

What is Hayward Kiwi Sapling?

Hayward kiwi is a female variety of Actinidia deliciosa originating from New Zealand. The fruits are large oval, thin soft hairy and the skin is greenish brown. Hayward with medium yield and growth is susceptible to chlorosis and root knot nematodes. Hayward kiwifruit is the most suitable variety for storage. Hayward kiwis produce large-grained fruit and are the most resistant to cold. Hayward which is ideal for a hobby garden, is suitable for temperate climates. Hayward kiwi variety meets 80-90% of the market share.

What are the Features of Hayward Kiwi Sapling?

  • Hayward kiwi sapling is a female variety of Actinidia deliciosa originating from New Zealand .
  • The fruits are large oval, thin soft hairy, the skin is greenish brown.
  • Yield and growth force are medium.
  • Ideal for hobby gardens.
  • It gives large-grained fruits.
  • It is sensitive to chlorosis and root knot nematodes.
  • It is the most suitable variety for storage.
  • It is medium vigorous and moderately productive.
  • The root system is well developed.
  • It is resistant to cold.
  • It meets 80-90% of the market share.

What are the Soil and Climate Conditions of Hayward?

Since kiwi vines are generally fringe and outcrop rooted, they show successful development in drained, light and deep soils. In clayey, heavy, water-retaining and high groundwater soils, the result is not considered positive. It grows well in acidic soils. Soil pH should preferably be between 5.5 and 7.0. There should be at most 8% lime in the soil. The results are observed positively in soils rich in organic matter. If we come to the climatic conditions of kiwi saplings, the regions where kiwi cultivation can be done are generally warm in winters and hot and humid in summers. It requires 240-260 days of frost-free development period from the awakening of the eyes to the fall of the leaves. If we need to pay special attention, shoots can be damaged in late spring frosts. At 1–2 ºC, flower buds and young shoots may be damaged.

How to Grow for Hayward?

Irrigation may be required between June and September depending on the precipitation situation in the Kiwi, except for the Eastern Black Sea Region. During this period, irrigation can vary between about 2-7 days. Water is dripping in very important regions; In other regions, it is more appropriate to give it with under-hanging sprinkler systems.

If we look at the soil conditions of the kiwi, the roots will be exposed and the soil will be constantly moist, so soil cultivation is not done or it is done in a very exposed way. In most gardens, the interrows are grassy, ​​and the weeds on the rows are controlled with pesticides.