
What is Patriot?

Patriot was bred in 1976 at the Maine Research Station in the USA. It is one of the early varieties among the foreign myrtle varieties. Its grain is large and suitable for fresh consumption. The fruit and clusters are dense and the grains are quite large. In very hot weather, the fruits may soften. Patriot tolerate wet and heavy soils. It is generally recommended for regions with cold winter months and short production seasons. Patriot blueberry stands out with its ability to resist Phytophthora and root rot.

What Are the Characteristics of Patriot?

  • Patriot was bred in 1976 at the Maine Research Station in the USA.
  • It is one of the early varieties among the blueberry varieties.
  • Its grain is large and suitable for fresh consumption.
  • The fruit and clusters are dense and the grains are quite large.
  • In very hot weather, the fruits may soften.
  • Plant height is in the range of 120-180cm.
  • Patriot trees are also preferred for landscaping purposes.
  • It tolerates wet and heavy soils.
  • It is generally recommended for regions with cold winter months and short production seasons.
  • Patriot blueberry stands out with its ability to resist Phytophthora and root rot.

What are the soil and climate conditions of the Patriot?

If we look at the soil and climatic conditions of the Patriot, which is one of the early species and was bred at the Maine Research Station in the USA in 1976, we can start with its resistance to winter temperatures down to -29°C. In our eastern regions, where the weather conditions are below -29°C, it is recommended not to fertilize the Patriot blueberry sapling, which has high quality fruits, in order to increase its resistance to winter cold. Particular attention should be paid not to apply nitrogen fertilizers and irrigations should be reduced. Thus, in Patriot blueberries, the plants are provided to enter the winter hard and hard.

Patriot that require constant moisture and good drainage; It is recommended to be grown in full sun or partial shade in organically rich, slightly moist summers, preferably adjacent to or near forests and well-drained soils. For Patriot blueberry plants and ease of cultivation, light ridge planting is best recommended on mulch (soil fabric or nylon cover).

How to Grow for Patriot?

It is necessary to pay attention to the care of Patriot, which is one of the earliest varieties among blueberry varieties. In order for the Patriot blueberry, which is resistant to winter temperatures down to -29°C, it should not be fertilized in summer, especially nitrogen fertilizers should not be given and irrigations should be reduced in order to be well prepared and resistant to winter.

The optimum planting range of the Patriot blueberry, whose fruit is pale and light blue; It is between 1.00 – 1.50 m above the row and 2.00 – 3.50 m between the rows, depending on the processing equipment. The ideal planting size is; It is planting 1m x 2.5 m and growing 400 plants in 1 decare area. The harvest period can be extended by planting early, mid-season and late blueberry varieties that will mature from mid-June to the end of August. These specified harvest times may also vary depending on climate and altitude. To prevent fruit set and encourage new vegetative growth, it is a carefully recommended way to remove flowers and not fruit from plants in the year of planting and the following year. In the period after planting, pruning should be done towards the end of winter, as of the 2nd or 3rd year.